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                            CLIMBING THE HILL WITH JESUS
  Jesus returning, after he preached the Word of God in many places, which healed sick, cast out demons, a crowd following him and taking his disciples with him, he went up the mountain, known today as "the Mount of Beatitudes ", which is located between Capernaum and Tabgha, and being a nice place and view where you could see the Sea of Galilee The background, there Jesus taught his disciples the most famous" Sermon on the Mount "Matt5: 1.
  We note that the disciples went up the mountain with Jesus and so we must do these days, when I say go up the hill, I mean it's an act of self denial of self, leaving our old self back,(Col. 3: 12-17), and every time we leave our old selves, we climb a step from the mountain, but this climb, you will not be alone! For Jesus will always be with you.
 Faced These arguments I want to do some small questions for you: What kind of Christian character do you have? what kind of Christian character which God requires of us? and what is the purpose of Jesus to us?
  In our Christian walk, often we find ourselves in situations that provoke an evil witness to others, because of our attitudes; by our responses, our temperaments and live a life as we want and not how God wants us to live.(1 Cor "Give none offence neither to Jews, nor to the Gentiles, nor to the church of God") .Being so we should do a self analysis of our self, as well as the disciples of Jesus had each a very intriguing personality that needed to be transformed!, we also need to be transformed, going up the mount of Beatitudes Jesus.
Blessed means "HAPPY" or BLESSED. "

                                  And He began to teach them, saying:
Matt 5: 3 Well - Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
Not have to be rich or pobre.Feliz and be good and, kind.
Matthew 5: 4- Well - Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted.
Those who lament their own pecados.Feliz and those who want to be Matthew .
Mt 5: 5- Well - Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth.
Happy are the want to bend the will of God.
Mt 5: 6 Well - Blessed, those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be filled.
Blessed are those who seek God's holiness.
Mt 5: 7 Well - Blessed are the merciful, for they obtain mercy.
Blessed are those who favor the next.
Mt 5: 8-Well - Blessed are the pureheart, for they see God.
Happy are those who have the heart holiness.
Mt 5: 9- Well - Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God.
Happy those who have peace with God and sow.
Mt 5: 10- Well - Blessed are the persecuted for righteousness' sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.Happy are those who suffer it to remain in the will of GOD.TRANSFORMED

But we must understand that the Sermon on the Mount teachings have three points:

1- We should not treat separately, that is, one should not imagine it would have any benefit in tears without mercy or of persecution if you have hunger and thirst righteousness .until because Jesus launches a major challenge for us cultivate all these qualities.
2- There are natural qualities: Jesus does not describe people who are naturally weeping or calm, he speaks of the provisions of hearts fit for the kingdom dele.Sao spiritual character that require self-denial in the personal life of each.
3- You can not be understood in material terms: The Kingdom of Christ and spiritual and not physical or geográfico.Jesus speaking people who with their attitudes contribute to peace between the sinner and his Creator, and the blessings mentioned are not material but people blessed with the presence of the Lord.

But it was missing answer the last question, what is the purpose of Jesus teach us this most beautiful Sermon The Mount
  That we may be salt in this land! It gives flavor to our lives and to those who see us! Be light for the world! To be seen as children of God! And to have the privilege to participate in the kingdom of Jesus Christ and for this we must develop the qualities described in the Beatitudes.
"So also shine your light diantes of men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father who is in heaven." Mt 5:16


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