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                                USE AND COSTUME IN BIBLE TIMES
                                           A LESSON OF HUMILITY
                                                   Jhon 13: 1-20

   Let us recall this narrative where Jesus met his disciples in a house upstairs to celebrate the Passover and before they ate, it happened that Jesus removed his garment from above and, taking a towel, girded himself with it, then pouring it into a basin began to wash the disciples' feet.

It is interesting to see Peter's reaction to that vision, but why, being the only one to react in a way contrary to that of the other disciples? Peter said, Lord, wilt thou wash my feet with me? Mt.13: 5 And said, but in verse 8, Thou shalt never wash my feet. But when Jesus saith unto him, If I wash thee not, thou hast no part with me.    The questions and: In an hour Peter refuses and then he not only consents to wash his feet like his hands and head, why? For this we must resort to the use and custom of that time.    In the earlier times of Jesus it was customary for the owner or legal representative to host his guests cordially and, to demonstrate his joy of receiving them, it was customary to offer guests water and a basin so that they would wash their feet; called a servant or servant to do this function of washing, rubbing and rinsing the feet of the guests or guests. Gen. 18: 4; 43:24; Exodus 30: 21; 1 Samuel 25:41. To do this was to say that they were deserving of a peaceful reception.    When the Lord and his disciples were together, the savior took the place of the servant to wash the feet of his disciples and Peter, knowing that Jesus was the Savior and Lord refused, for Peter also knew the customs, perhaps in his mind he thought: how can my Lord give himself to serve a slave? and I being his servant and he coming to wash me? I will not allow such a thing. But we can also see an emotional fallout from Peter in which Jesus had previously said it. "What I do, you do not know now, but you will understand later."    In verse 8 we can see the negativity on the part of Peter in accepting to be washed by Jesus, but Peter changes his attitude by accepting to be washed, when Jesus answers him, "I do not wash you, you have no part with me." this part asking the following question "What part is Jesus talking about? Good in NTLH translation, it says "If I do not wash you, you will not be my disciple! Peter knew that Jesus, being the Master, Savior, King of the heavens and the Son of the living God, would lose his fellowship and salvation.    In this study we have several teachings on the part of Jesus that we should not rush into the will of the Father, for our vision and mind are short to see the purpose of God and teaches us that we are washed, purified, and so we must every day wash our feet by causes of our fail in our walk, in which humility to acknowledge that we are less than the others, and we are here to serve and not to be served, but, our services should be expressed with cordiality and love. So with the good testimony people receive us they received Jesus Christ in whom God sent. Rogerio N Nunes.                     


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